Friday, January 3, 2014

High heels

 High Heels 
High heels are an overlooked paramount in beauty, often overshadowed by flashy pants and flowing dresses. The high heel elevates its user, granting them more height and therefore giving them an ultimate outlook on the world. By highlighting the heels, the person wearing them is also thrown into a spotlight. The heels should stand out and speak for themselves, letting the fashion world know that they are not just another boring fashion accessory. High heels display their wearer as both energetic and determined. In this busy modern day and age, high demands are placed on fashion and the high heel can make or break an outfit. With new trends breaking the horizon on a fairly regular basis, it is always important to remember you can't take the next step without amazing heels. Without that cutting edge advantage in fashion, the heels would leave the everyday woman as a "plain Jane" instead of a goddess.